Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol

Reality shows are one of the biggest things people watch on television. This is because the events that happen are not scripted and naturally unfold in front of the viewer. One show that is helping people want to become healthy again is the biggest loser. The contestants are a bunch of overweight men and women who work out and...
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Three Day Detox Diet

The human body is like a car because harmful deposits pile up and it may soon cause damage to your well being. If you want to clean your system as soon as possible, one method you can try is the three day detox diet. For the next three days, you will only eat either fruits or vegetables. These should be eaten raw so forget about...
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What You must know about Yoga for seniors

Engaging in yoga exercise movements is one of the most popular methods for getting healthy no matter what age you are in. The moves are sluggish and rhythmic which is why it’s easy to learn and imitate. This is also the reason why it’s one of the most suggested activities for individuals who are not as bendable and as coordinated...
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Metabolic Problems Linked with Obesity and Diabetes

If you are considered obese, especially with an above average amount of abdominal fat and are insulin resistant, you may have what is known as metabolic syndrome.  It is important to note that you can be insulin resistance and not actually have diabetes – yet.  If you are insulin resistant you may be what is termed pre-diabetes.If...
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